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Altret Neemcide (300ppm-50000ppm)

It is Azadirachtin based product which acts as an insecticide, miticide, nematicide etc Azadirachtin act as an anti-feedant, insect growth regulator and as a repellent and ovopositioning deterrent. It repels harmful insect like white flies, gnats, aphids, beetles, caterpillars, lace bugs leafhoppers, leafminers, mealybugs, psyllids, thrips, mites and weevils. It doesn’t harm beneficial insects. Edible crops of vegetables and fruits do not get poisoned. Easily bio degradable, and does not leave any residue. Improves quality & quantity of yield. Safe to handle and environmental friendly. Ideal organic product. .

Benefitted crops: For all crops

Dosage: 2ml/1ltr of water for spray application.

Pack Size: 250ml/500ml/ 1lit


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