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Nitro Samrudhhi Rhizobium

Nitro Samrudhhi Rhizobium

Nitro Samrudhhi (Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria)

Nitro Samrudhhi is a liquid nitrogen biofertilizer which fixes atmospheric nitrogen, converts it into ammonia and makes it available to the plants. It also converts insoluble form of nitrogen into soluble form. It can replace 20-25 % of the chemical nitrogen fertilizer required by plants.

Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria

Benefitted Crops : All Kinds of Leguminous crops such as Moongbean, Chickpea, Soyabean, Groundnut

Bacteria: Rhizobium spp

Dosage: 250 ml per Acre

Potency: 2×1010 CFU/ml


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