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ALT Biozyme

ALT Biozyme

It is a mixture of Humic acid, fulvic acid and seaweed extract. The yield of flower will be increased and early or pre-dropping of flowers will ceased by using this stimulators.

Salient Features:
  • Environmentally safe
  • Promotes antioxidant activity
  • Enhance water retention & detoxify harsh chemicals
  • Improve chlorophyll level, flowering and fruiting in plants
  • Improve plant health, strength and resistance to pests and diseases.
  • Increase the size of fruits and flowers.

Benefitted crop: For all crops

Dosage and Mode of application:

30 ml in 15 litres of water for foliar application through knapsack sprayer with hollow cone nozzle

Physical Appearence:Dark black colour liquid

Packaging: 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr


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