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Altret Grow +

Altret Grow +

It is the mixture of Humic acid, Protein hydrolysate, Vitamins and other plant growth regulator which improve the overall health growth and development of plants

Salient Features:
  • Increase flowering and shoots
  • Increase lateral branches & shoots
  • Improve stress tolerances and immunity (Activating SAR{Systematic Acquired Resistance})
  • Improved quality parameters
  • Accelerate growth during vegetatative and reproductive cycle
  • Improve photosynthetic activity
  • Produce roots and shoot growth which helps crop strongly stand in field
  • Improve fruiting in terms of quality and quantity
  • Increase chlorophyll content in crop thereby increase food production in crops
  • Improves cellular differentiation.
  • Promote increasing size of the fruits and thinning of the fruits as well as better colour development of the fruits.

Benefitted crop: For all crops

Dosage and Mode of application:

For drip/drenching application: Dilute 1 ltr in 200 litre of water per acre through knapsack sprayer with hollow cone nozzle
Dosage can be modified as per crop and crop stage

Physical Appearence: Black colour liquid

Packaging: 1ltr, and 5ltr.


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